Monday, September 27, 2004


NaNoWriMo! It took a while before I could say it without looking....

Now I have to do it..

Leafing through the Blogs I cottened on to the word (if you can call it that). I couldn't quite figure out what it was about but due to the amazing technology that is a search engine I got my information after only one click.

NaNoWriMo is a competition for people like myself who think they can write ( which is still open to debate) and are willing to dedicate a month of their life to write a novel of a minimum length of 50,000 words, about 175 pages. It starts on November 1st and ends at midnight November 30th.

Registration starts on October 1st.

It is not important what you write, it is not important whether or not you can write.. All that matters is that you do it (with the proviso that Jack Torrance style of writing.. "all work and no play make Jack a dull boy" is not attempted).
I have now decided that I will enter this competition and at least start writing a story. I know I am not going to finish it, but I am willing to give it a go.

I shudder to think what I will be like in the month of November... I can see it now............
"Now, we're going to make a new rule. When you come in here and you hear me typing
or whether you DON'T hear me typing, or whatever the FECK you hear me doing; when I'm in here, it means that I am working, THAT means don't come in. Now, do you think you can handle that?"
Oh yeah.. I am going to enjoy this...


Rachel Rutherford said...

Oh, this sounds cool.

I don't know if I can do it though. At an average of 9 posts a week, I am only up to 37,780 words in my blog, and that's writing since May. Of course... I didn't have a GOAL...

Anyway, totally cool find. And hey -- thanks for adding me to your links!

Rachel Rutherford said...

Well, I just read all their rules. It sounds totally fun. I have to see what November looks like for me. I'll let you know if I decide to do it.

Big Dog said...

Myself and a friend are going to give this a go. I have a low concentration threshold so will probably write only four paragraphs, but my friend will do well. She just needed the push of something like this.