Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Fact check? Fat Chance

I came across a website which verifies the "facts" and statements being wielded by both the Kerry and Bush campaigners. It is called factcheck and after reading some of the "facts" that have been thrown about in both gents' name, I have come to the conclusion that both Bush and Kerry are big fat liars (which may or may not come as a surprise).

The current score is: Bush is responsible for 65% of the deliberate inexactitudes which makes him the winner (those stats I just made up to stay in the vein of this post) .

I also read that the Florida election system has not improved since the last election. His brother is still the governor of Florida and this will probably mean that more democrat voters will be intimidated not to vote which, in turn, will allow Bush to steal another election.

Don't you just wish I was lying?

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