Sunday, November 14, 2004


Yes indeed. Failure. I have not written a fictional word for over 2 weeks now. I am ashamed. I am defeated by my own fear of failure. Rather than be confronted that I cannot do something, why not refuse to do it? A losers attitude to be sure.

But I have been busy: I am recording my family's history on my other blog just to ensure that this information is accessible for all.

I also cooked a fabulous meal for my grandmother who is 83 today. 4 different curry dishes, I even made my own cheese (!) and cooked a starter and a desert. I am totally exhausted but full (of myself).

All in all it was a good weekend, failures included.


RuKsaK said...

Don't give up - never.

RuKsaK said...

I mean - as long as my puerile, inarticulate, obnoxious rants stay in the Web Galaxy, you're, at least, never, ever gonna be the worst.