It is scary to think that it actually used real footage of North Korean pageants which are staged there on a regular basis. The "Dear Leader" Kim Jong Il has turned his subjects into a circus act.
In this video you can see how extremely bendy and eerily synchronized the acrobats are. The borg would be envious.
They are "cheered on" by the country's leaders dripping with their 15 pieces of "flair". Most are already one foot in the grave, while children, that over here would still be in kindergarten, show skills which wouldn't look out of place in the cirque du Soleil. Kim Jong Il has an uncanny resemblance to Seinfeld's Newman in this video.. He smiles crazily/quasi-benevolently from paintings dotted around the arena.
The synchronicity of the acts are astounding and the fact that they can produce smiles while doing flip flops all around the vast hall raises the suspicion that there are men with guns on the sidelines ready to wing anyone who loses form.
I don't want to trivialize the suffering of the North Koreans. They have had years of famine. Pyongyang is a ghost town and power outages are rife throughout the country. If you look at the space photograph of the earth at night you see great swaithes of darkness across north Korea. And what is worse,every morning at 7 am they are awoken with the sung tribute to their dead "great leader" titled "10 Milion Human Bombs for Kim Il Sung". I bet that one is catchy..
Faithless' video is chilling. Watch it and tell me what you think...
More about North Korea you can find here
For Korean propaganda go here: .
Spot the differences...
My apologies for the overuse of "quotation marks". I couldn't get around it.
1 comment:
Impressive video indeed. If you didn't know any better you would think it's a promotional video of Korea which is probably how they 'sold' it to the N-Korean Government when they asked for the footage (I am quite sure those images could not have left the country without their permission). I think the whole concept of communism is fascinating from an OUTSIDER's point of view. I think it's not so great when you live there but it gives the world it's diversity and I would hate to see all communism go. Maybe I should have studied anthropology :-).
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