2. I am 5' 8" and a little overweight..
3. I have two children. A boy and a girl. They are 14 and 11.
4. I am half American.
5. I am more Dutch then American but I do at times want to live in America.
6. I hate closed minds.
7. My first memory is of walking around London with my mother. I smelt roasting of coffee and to this day, when I smell it, it brings me back to that moment.
8. I cannot watch suffering of children or animals.
9. I have lived in London, UK, Florida, Cayman Islands and Amsterdam.
10. My favourite city is New York.
11. I love the countryside too but I am an urban girl.
12. I know the name of many animals. One of my favourites is the Gekko. I love poison dart frogs too and I am fascinated by Praying Mantises.
13. I cannot get over that I have a dimple in my left cheek that I have passed on to my daughter and which in turn I have inherited from my father..I want to know where in the DNA that dimple gene is.
14. I believe that I am intelligent.
15. I think I am incredibly stupid at times. Embarrassingly so.
16. I cannot live without perfume. My favourite at the moment is Marc Jacobs.
17. I am a shoeholic. But I a am also a shoe snob. It has to be made of good leather, be leather lined and have leather soles. This is fortunate. I only buy a pair shoes twice a year.
18. I love movies. They are my favourite form of escapism.
19. I have ridden a horse at night during full moon. It was truly magical.
20. I am moved by genius. I am also deeply envious of it.
21. I am moved by feminine beauty. I am also deeply envious of it.
22. When I love a song it will play through my mind for a few days even whilst I am asleep.
23. I love the English Language.
24. I love to see my children develop. I love it that they are very different from me.
25. I love dying my hair red. I want to dye it copper red but I am scared of what others might say.
26. I love cocktails in a martini glass.
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sophisticated Cosmopolitan!!
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27. I love autumn more than I love Summer
28. I have broken in a stalion . At the time I thought I was going to fall off and die.
29. I love cooking curries.
30. I still use a silkscarf as a comforter. This I have done since I was a baby.
31. I love mysteries.
32. When I ride horses, I am totally oblivious of what goes around me. An hour passes in a second.
33. I am scared of being alone. I am never alone. I am at times lonely.
34. I can control my dreams. I love scary dreams.
35. I get depressed when I go to the circus. I don't go therefore. My kids still blame me (well not really)
36. I love genealogy.
37. My ancestors had slaves.
38. I have indian blood.
39. My totem is a hawk.
40. I can navigate. I can read a map too.
41. I thought the world came to an end on 11 Sep 2001.
42. I love reading. I have 2 books on the go at the same time.
43. I love the internet. I think it is the best invention in the world. I love it when you can have knowledge within a fraction of a second. I never grow tired of it.
44. I love old photographs of my ancestors.
45. I have never been so impressed by beauty as when I went snorkeling in the Cayman Islands. The blues of the fish are electric!
46. I have had more than my fair share of abandoned beaches in Spain the Cayman Islands and Ibiza. It makes you feel extra special. How many times are we truly alone in nature?
47. I have been to Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, New York, London, Cayman Islands, Belize, Spain, Ibiza,Turkey, Sicily, Italy, South of France, Paris.
48. I love classical choir music. My favourite is Great Mass in C Minor by Mozart and his Requiem.
49. I want to write a movie script.
50. I own a share of a Da Vinci Statue.
51. Buying this share cost us our house in 1995.
52. I think my 84 year old Grandmother is the funniest person I know.
53. I have never been baptised. Neither have my children. I did go to Catholic school however.
54. I hope that I won't reincarnate. I have had a pretty good life and I don't think it could get any better.
55. I am scared of driving. I want to get rid of this fear but I am scared to. I think this fear protects me from getting killed.
56. I am bi-lingual. My kids are bi-lingual too.
57. I want to be a jewellery designer.
58. My favourite stone is Aquamarine.
59. My favourite colour is Red.
60. I didn't start drinking until I was 30.
61. I have an addictive personality.
62. I started smoking when I was 15 and quit a few times. My last time was 6 years ago. I have the occasional one but I am no longer addicted to cigarettes. I am now addicted to my silk scarf.
63. My feet are the best part of me. I also like me dimple.. in my cheek.. on my face..
64. I have had interactions with ghosts. Did not see them but they made their presence known.
65. I don't eat breakfast.
66. I love pepperoni Pizza, Calamari and handmade Italian Ice Cream.
67. My favourite pasta dish is made with a sauce from a jar that I spruce up a bit. shhh..
68. I have a secret that I cannot reveal to anyone.
69. I have a temper.
70. I am a bit of a magpie. I love sparkly things.
71. I have number dyslexia. I switch numbers around and can never remember them. I do remember patterns and this is the way I remember telephone numbers.
72. I paint sometimes.
73. I can draw quite well but gave it up when my children were born. I miss it terribly.
74. I love singing.
75. I never get lyrics right. Which is an endless source of mirth to my kids..
76. I am an instinctive cook. I don't need to measure.. I just do it. I have not burnt anything in a long time.
77. I used to go to fashion design college.
78. I cannot sew very well. This is the reason why I left fashion college
79. I want to learn Japanese. I know a few words that I picked up from watching Shogun.
80. I used to go to school around the corner from the Amstel Brewery.
81. I am not very spiritual. I think I gave up believing in a benevolent god after seeing the unecessary suffering of children. If he won't look out for the ones in dire need, will he grant anything as trivial as a new job? Get real.
82. I do believe in fate. Things happen for a reason.
83. I hate those" You're so special and I am glad I am your friend" chain letters. They are so false.
84. Engrish makes me chuckle
85. I adore laughing and my favourite type of humour is slightly abstract.
86. I love the Far Side.
87. Although I am no longer in contact with my father, I am proud of him.
88. I love it when my kids know more than me.
89. My middle name is Christina
90. I know that the bits in Orange Juice to make it appear freshly squeezed are manufactured.
91. I adore the smell of Limes.
92. Looking at stars and the Milky Way makes me feel funny.
93. I know a lot of things and can do a lot of things but I am an expert at nothing. I really want to find my expertise.
94. I am shy.
95. I love writing caligraphy.
96. The strangest thing I have ever eaten are frogs legs and Escargot.
97. I love trying new things...
98. I love rainbows thrown from the crystal in my window.
99. I don exercise enough. Not by far.
100. I don't like talking on the telephone. I inherited that from my father.
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