"What is wrong with my picture?" I ask,
He does not hesitate and dives straight in. "Well, your picture on your blog is severely traumatizing me, to be honest. It reminds me of psychopath's mask in Scream". "You also look like you have been scalped and you have a dreamcatcher earring thing going on there".
Of course I laughed. Unfortunately he wasn't kidding..
"No, no, no" he says. "It is just not right. Let Ron (my other colleague) take a picture with his homophone and use that". (That is what he calls it. Ron's Nokia 7610.. And if you look at the picture you know why.. I mean, it has a mirror for putting on lippy for goodness sake.....And it is white!!!)
"No thanks" I say sulkily.. "There really is no hope. Good pictures of me are as rare as a brain cell in Jessica Simpson's head".
But you know, what I don't understand. I like that picture. In fact I am proud of it.
It is my best one.
What is wrong with....His eyes? Is he blind? I am bloody gorgeous in that picture..
I'm not bitter. Much. But I am thinking up a retort..
Maybe I will ask him to close the blinds because the sun on his scalp is blinging in my eye. (For the record he is not bald but why not pray on his little insecurities?).
Anyway, I am rethinking the photo. I will probably have to go to a professional photographer to match that work of art.
I know. I am weak.
I would like to add that 'Stefan' (I happen to know him) has been working on his own website/blog for months but he's been keeping its location painfully secret under the pretence of "not showing something that's only half finished". Uh-huh. As long as Stefan does not show himself on the Internet he has no right to criticise your site and/or photo. So until his own photo is online, Stefan needs to have a coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up! :)
Thank you for that! I know however that you were not thrilled with my pic either hehehehe..
Anyway.. I have had three negative comments so the gauntlet has been thrown down. The person who has the best picture (and you could win it I think) will have the great honour of having it published. On my blog.
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