Sunday, February 07, 2010

Isla Mujeres

After having such a hard year last year physically and mentally it was time to do something fun and cathartic. Having Cancer has robbed me of my femininity somewhat, I find it somewhat ironic to go to an island that is named for the virtility goddess statues that were found there when the Spanish discovered the new world. They called it the island of women.

I am sure I don't have to explain how much I want to swim in that turquoise water and how much I want to drink Margaritas on the beach. It is blatantly obvious that anyone who sees that image will want to do the same. If the image above hasn't done it, here are a few more..

I want to see the sun come up in the morning and I want to see it set in the evening. I want to go out and have dinner on Hildalgo and watch the people go by and most of all I want to savour each moment together with my man. To enable me to remember this for the rest of my life, I will document it here, on this blog with photographs and jealous making stories.

32 days to go!